Friday, 19 September 2008

Drink Drink Eat Eat

I hve been traveling and living overseas for more ten 10 year. One of the great part of traveling is to have the opportunity to taste great food.

The photo on the left is what we called BKT in Singapore. BKT stands for Ba Kuat Tea (pork in soup).

There are a few good stores namely : Rangoon Road and Balestier Road Ba Kuat Tea.

The Singapore version is different from the Malaysian version as the latter is darker colour, sweeter and has only ingredients such as mushroom, while the former ony have pork rib and has a stronger sense of medicine smell...I like the former better...Normallyyou can "top up" your soup when you eat : O...... Yummy!

Remember to eat the pork with dark soyce and chilly plus some chinese tea to wash down the oil..

These were formerly food cooked for the tin miners for the early immigrants. All the cook coule gather were the spare port ribs and cooked in large pot. To ensure that theorkers have sufficient energy, chinese herbs were added into the soup. Most of the workers after eating will drink a cup of tea....thereby the name Ba Kuat (Port ribs/bones) te (Tea)

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